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Joyflow Yoga Classes at Russell's * Schedule for March 2025


1050 N. Flowood Drive, Flowood MS (at back of parking lot, past YOGA sign, through patio)​​​​​​


Thursdays:     9 - 10:15    Joyflow Primary Series


                          5:30 - 6:45  Basics / Slow Flow


$20 for one class, $90 for a package of 6 classes used within several months.

Please text me to register, or if you have questions: 601-613-4317.​​​​​


Monday afternoons and Wednesdays:


Private instruction / Somatic Emotional-Release Therapy, by appointment. See Therapy page for more information.  90 minute session $125.


Create your own class with your friends! Split the $125 amongst friends (2-8) and we will have a fun group event. 


Descriptions of Class Options:


​Basics & Restore

Covering all the basics of the 8-limbs of yoga, which include: ethics and lifestyle, alignment and sequencing of postures, how to modify (easier) and add variations (fun and harder), pranayama (science of breathing), meditation techniques, restorative and a variety of healing modalities, such as guided meditations, singing bowl sound baths, reiki, and more.


Chair Flow 

Experience how using a chair can enable you to enjoy a full flow (connecting breath and movement) practice. We will have options for doing an entire practice while sitting in the chair, as well as gaining confidence using the chair for support in a flow-vinyasa practice. You will then be equipped to be comfortable in any class, no matter what level of challenge. You are even welcome to come flow with us and not use a chair!


Joyflow Primary Series

This class is based on the Ashtanga Primary Series, though modified for all levels and sequenced according to Joyflow principles. We begin with 3 Sun Salutation A's, 3 Sun Salutation B's, then all standing asanas held for 5 breaths each.  Then floor work, challenging poses of choice, deep relaxation, and sitting practice of pranayama and meditation at the end. Since the teaching focus is on breathing and not alignment cues, beginners may want to supplement with classes on alignment. Otherwise, all are welcome. You can even use a chair, see above.


Vinyasa (Flow)

The Vinyasa practice is a fun, and sometimes challenging, sequencing of asanas that are connected with Sun Salutations. This increases strength and flexibility and balance; it is especially strengthening for the upper body. The sequencing will often focus on a particular asana or challenge. Props are often used for those who have limitations of any kind, and the flow is slow enough to offer both modifications and challenge, as needed. Come enjoy Lila Vinyasa, which means "Flow of Divine Play".


The Experiential Enneagram  &  Yoga: The 8-Limbed Path

Retreats coming in 2025!


We had a great time at our latest Saturday afternoon Enneagram Introduction! Great conversations, great connections, great insights! This was an introduction to the longer weekend workshop/retreat experience that I will be scheduling throughout the year in different locations. This is a time playful learning, sharing, and reconnecting to your childlike wonder and spirit, which may have gotten a bit lost along the way. We will explore the difference between living in your Conditioned Self versus your Authentic Self, via the self-inquiry of Enneagram, Meditation, Breathwork, Laughter, Movement, and Restorative (Yoga Nidra/Sound Bath) practice. In the full retreat experience, we will also have time for connection to nature: barefoot walks in the sand, sun bathing, natural creek meditation on water, star gazing, and tree hugging. Food will be whole, simple, and healing, lots of smoothies, juices, and salads. Participants will come away with insights, inspiration and tools for living in a way that is aligned with their fullest potential for Joy. 





      On FB:

Joyflow Yoga page

Debi Saraswati Lewis-personal page

On Instagram: 

Debi Saraswati Joyflow 

Contact Debi: 


Text: 601-613-4317


To receive newsletters and blogs, and information about private instruction, therapy, workshops and retreats, I invite you to join my mailing list.

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